
Journaux et Revues

  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. An integration ontology for components composition. In International Journal of Web Portals (IJWP), 2(3), pages 35–42. 2010.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. SEC+: An enhanced search engine for component-based software development.In ACM SIGSOFT Software Engi- neering Notes, 32(4), pages 1–6. 2007.
Chapitres de Livres
  • Salma Bradai, Sofien Khemakhem, and Mohamed Jmaiel. Discovering Services in Mo- bile Environments: Discussion and Evaluation of Trends. In Handbook of Research on Architectural Trends in Service-Driven Computing, ISBN 9781466661783, IGI Global, 2014.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. Description, classification, and discovery for software components: a comparative study. In Modern Software Engineering Concepts and Practices: Advanced Approaches, ISBN 9781609602154, IGI Global, 2010.
  • Salma Bradai, Sofien Khemakhem, and Mohamed Jmaiel. Regularity Of Movement Based Approach for M2M Services Discovery. In Proceedings of The International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications ISNCC 2014, Hammamet, Tunisia, 17-19 June, 2014.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. Semantic Matching to Achieve Software Component Discovery and Composition. In Proceedings of the 9th Inter- national Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies WEBIST 2013, Aachen, Germany, 8-10 May, 2013.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. Ontology-based discovery and integration. In Third International Conference on the Applications of Digital Infor- mation and Web Technologies, ICADIWT 2010, Istanbul, Turkey, July 12 - 14, 2010, Proceedings.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. SEC: A search engine for component based software engineering . In 21st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, SAC 2006, Dijon, France, April 23 - 27, 2006, Proceedings.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Khalil Drira, and Mohamed Jmaiel. CSCLD: A Component for Software Component Library Discovering . In Cinqui`emes Journ´ees Scientifiques des Jeunes Chercheurs en G´enie Electrique et Informatique, GEI 2005, Sousse, Tunisie, March 25 - 27, 2005, Proceedings.
  • Sofien Khemakhem, Mohamed Jmaiel, Abdelmajid Ben Hamadou, and Khalil Drira. Un environnement de recherche et d’intègration de composants logiciels. In the seventh Maghrebian Conference on Computer Sciences, MCSEAI 2002, Annaba, Algeria, May 06 - 08, 2002, Proceedings.