Description of OWL-LingS Editor
- Overview
- OWL-LingS Editor Operation
- Overview
- OWL-LingS Editor Operation
OWL-LingS (stands for OWL for Linguistic Services) Editor is a tool that generates an enhanced
semantic description for Linguistic Web Services. It supports an extension of OWL-S for integrating the nonfunctional linguistic properties (e.g., Processing Level, Formalism, Phenonemon, and Approach.). The OWL-S extension is presented below.
The main elements of the proposed extension are:
- ServiceProcessing Level: It represents the processing level of the LingWS. In fact, we have essentially four processing levels which are Syntactic, Lexical, Morphological, and Semantic. Each of them is characterized by its phenomena (e.g., ellipsis, anaphora, accord). For this reason, we add the LinguisticPhenomenon class.
- LinguisticPhenomenon: It has the ‘refined into‘ relation, since each phenomenon has its sub- Phenomena. For example, for the ellipsis phenomenon, we can find the nominal ellipsis (the omission of the essential part of a nominal phrase: the head) and an ellipsis of a whole phrase (e.g., subject ellipsis, verb ellipsis, both verb and complement ellipsis). The LinguisticPhenomenon has also the relations ‘supported By‘ and ‘treated By‘ respectively with the LinguisticFormalism and Approach classes.
- LinguisticFormalism: It represents the formalism (e.g., HPSG and LFG for syntactic Grammars). Each LinguisticFormalism has an analysis type (e.g., Top-Down, Bottom-Up) to resolve phenomenon.
- Approach: It represents the treatment approach of a such phenomenon. It has the ‘refined into‘ relation. For example, for the ‘numerical approach‘, we can find the ‘numerical approach based on graph‘ and ‘numerical approach based on N-Gram‘. An approach uses a resource (e.g., dictionaries, tree bank, corpus) to treat a phenomenon. For this reason, we add the relation ‘use Resource‘ and the Resource class.

In the following, we present the main basics of the developed tool.
Then, the Service Provider chooses the required nonfunctional properties and he annotates the LingWS I/O using the developed domain ontology which contains several linguistic resources.
Thus, an OWL-LingS description will be generated and published on the service registry.
For implementing the OWL-LingS Editor, we have done an extension of the OWL-S API. This extension consists in adding several classes, their attributes, and relationships presented in the proposed extension of OWL-S.