

Interface Platform:

The platform interface encapsulates the notion of a hardware device that is built with the microcontroller as the centerpiece and external devices connected.
The platform interface encapsulates a class microcontroller and provides off-chip devices such as radio and LED. External devices communicate with the microcontroller through the interface pins. Chip devices that are connected to the microcontroller by physical pins on the chip.
These external devices may be sensors such as photo-detectors, acoustic sensors, temperature or humidity, and communication devices such as radio, a controller parallel, or Ethernet-on-a-chip.
The status LEDs are typically connected directly to a few pins reserved for visual inspection of the state of a sensor node.
For the platform sensor node Mica, Mica is a class that implements the interface platform. Devices such as LEDs on the Mica platform node sensors are implemented as inner classes in the class Mica. These devices connect to the microcontroller via pin interface which is described in the next section.


Just as external physical devices are connected by pins to the microcontroller in physical reality, the external device implementations in the simulation are part of the platform and connection to the object through a microcontroller interface pin.In the real world, all the physical pins on the microcontroller designated for IO are bidirectional and programmable by the software through the IO registers. Each pin has three bits corresponding physical that are programmable by the software: a direction bit, one bit input and an output bit.
The reading of the input bit when the pin is configured as an input on the logic level read the corresponding pin on the microcontroller physical. Write the output bit when the pin is programmed as an output causes the microcontroller to make the logic high or low depending on the bit value written in the register.
In this way, the pins provide a primitive mechanism for communication between bitwise program the microcontroller and peripherals connected to the microcontroller.

Application areas

        Military                    Domestic           Environmental


        Medical                    Transport             Agricultural

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