General Overview



TT4RT is a novel test system for runtime testing of adaptable component-based systems. It is a platform independent test system based on the Testing and Test Control Notation Language Version 3 (TTCN-3) standard. It aims to handle complexity of testing evolvable and heterogenous (both in structure and technologies) systems. Therefore, we have extended the TTCN-3 test system by adding two layers as depicted in Figure 1: a Test Management Layer and a Test Isolation Layer. The main purposes of these layers are described in the following:


Figure1:Supported layers of TT4RT.


  • Test Management Layer: It intends to control the execution of runtime tests. It includes a GUI component called TTmanGUI. The latter is responsible mainly for starting and stopping test cases.
  • Test Isolation Layer: It aims to reduce the interference risk between test data and business data when testing is performed at runtime. It includes a component which is able to choose the most adequate test isolation technique for each component under test.
  • Abstract Layer: This layer is offered by the classical TTCN-3 test system in order to build abstract test suites. This feature makes runtime tests independent of the test execution environment and enhances their reusability and extensibility. All the specified test cases are compiled and stored in a repository in order to make them executable.
  • Adaptation Layer: It includes the implemented Coding/Decoding and System Adapter entities which facilitate the communication between TT4RT and the SUT in production phase.