Wajdi Elleuch is an Assistant Professor at the National Engineering School of Sfax.
engineer in computer networks and telecommunications from INSAT, I
pursued my academic studies at Université de Sherbrooke
(Québec - Canada) by a Master in Applied sceicnes (M.A.Sc)
(2002-2004) and a Ph.D (2006-2011). from 2004 to 2006 I
acted as Full time VoIP developer in M5T company (Sherbrooke
–Québec- Canada).
academic background and my research were firstly oriented to the field
of computer and software engineering. Subsequently, I applied this
expertise by coupling it to the computer networks field to focus my
researches and my expertise on the multimdedia services over IP and
specialy using SIP (Session Intitiation Protocol). These services
mainly include VoIP, Video over IP, multiparty communication, instant
messaging, presence service, etc. The remaining part of this report
describes my activities in (1) computer engineering and software
engineering and (2) the development of communication services over IP.

Activity in computer and software
During my engineering studies,
I involved on different projects in academic and industrial context.
my Master project at the Université de Sherbrooke, I
experimented new design environment using MVC model coupled with XML
technology. This project involved the development of an application
that assist teachers when composing their exams that
include Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) as well as Textual
Development based Question (TDQ). Students can then access their exams
and remotely pass them over IP based network (Intranet or internet).
Also, a new assessment method for exams rating was introduced to
accelerate the evaluation of QDT through a GUI Java applet connected to
the Tomcat web server via HTTP protocol. This project is based on the
conceptual model MVC (Model - View - Controller) and allow different
views of the same data source. Thus, it was possible for example to
generate customized presentation in HTML or even in PDF. This was
possible through XSLT and XSLT-Fo transformations.
This developed expertise have
been spread to include object-oriented programming, relational databases design,
XML-data design, Web server application deployment and development of network
communications between applications via proprietary HTTP protocol
Activity in Developing communication
services based on IP
After this experience in the
field of Software Engineering, I have focused my expertise from 2004 to the
development of communication services over IP. So I acted during two years as a
research engineer on the development of IP telephony services on behalf of
Mediatrix and M5T companies (that belong to the Media5 group) based in
Sherbrooke (Quebec). Both companies are specialized in the development of the
software components (secure SIP/SDP/RTP/RTCP stacks) as well as hardware
components (manufacturing of IP telephony devices). This experience allowed me
to gain valuable experience in programming within multitasking real-time
services context for multimedia communications over IP networks. Meanwhile, I
have also developed a global vision on the architectures and software/hardware
interactions for the implementation of these services (Registar Server, Redirect
Server, Presence Server, Proxy Server, etc.). However, this expertise was
focused in the context of a multimedia communication between only two
participants (not taking into account the multiusers mode).
2006, and as part of my PhD work, I am interested in expanding multimedia
communications between stakeholders to apply them to multiuser scenarios
(multipoint communication). I explored several concepts and architectures to
meet the needs of a multipoint videoconference (management and conference
announcement, management of participants and their access rights, management of
Quality of Service (QoS), video and audio qualities, Floor control for managing
dialogue, securing communication, etc. ). So I experimented and used different
models: from some basic models like "end-system mixing" or "conference-server
mixing", to more complex models like the "fully meshed" one and
towards the end of my PhD I introduced new model that enables support for large
scale conferences using a P2P approach.
2010, I had some collaborations with north americain compagnies and
institutions. I'm acting as independant expert for projects related to providing
and designing some innovative multimedia services based on SIP protocol. I'm
also acting as reviewer for IEEE Communication Magazine as awell as some
other journals as the
International Journal of Network Protocols and
I also worked at the
University of Sherbrooke as a lecturer to teach mainly object-oriented
programming as well as networks and protocols courses for students graduating
from the Faculty of Engineering (Computer Engineering) as well as the University of
Sfax in Tunisia. I participated in the study and implementation of several
projects in collaboration with the company M5T (Sherbrooke). These projects
focused on (1) the introduction of videoconferencing when participants are
interconnected via a fully meshed network, (2) the use of PDAs and thin clients
to participate in videoconferences (application developed under Windows Mobile),
(3) integration of presence information and multimedia conferences (4) the
establishment of a videoconference with the exchange of medical data
(electrocardiogram) between physicians and the ambulance transporting the

recent years, I published and presented several works in IEEE
international conferences (WiMOB, CCNC, Canadian IEEE, etc). In 2008 I
also filed a patent (accepted as US patent in januay 2012) in the field of videoconferencing with
the option of session mobility during a multipoint communication to enable
participants to seamlessly switch from one device to another one without