By Year:
by Kaouthar Fakhfakh, Tarak Chaari, Said Tazi, Mohamed Jmaiel, Ikbel Guidara
Kaouthar Fakhfakh, Tarak Chaari, Said Tazi, Mohamed Jmaiel, Ikbel Guidara, Modélisation et alignement sémantique des intentions des clients avec les offres des fournisseurs, In revue des nouvelles technologies RNTI L5 CAL 2010, Cépaduès, 2010.
Bibtex Entry:
@ARTICLE{KaoutharRNTI2010, author = {Kaouthar Fakhfakh and Tarak Chaari and Said Tazi and Mohamed Jmaiel and Ikbel Guidara}, title = {{Modélisation et alignement sémantique des intentions des clients avec les offres des fournisseurs}}, journal = {revue des nouvelles technologies RNTI L5 CAL 2010}, year = {2010}, pages = {pp. 87-99}, isbn = {978.2.85428.930.5}, publisher = {Cépaduès} }
National School of Engineering of Sfax
University of Sfax, Tunisia
Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohamed Jmaiel
Research Center for Computer Science, Multimedia and Digital Data Processing of Sfax, Send an EmailPhone: +216 74 666 578
National School of Engineers of Sfax
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
ReDCAD Laboratory
B.P. 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia