Proposition sujet de
Thèse de Doctorat :
[Sujet 01]
models and architectures are proposed to support Multiparty VoIP
(MVoIP) services. Initial solutions are based on network infrastructure
and use routers to redirect live streams for large groups of
participants by using multicasting addresses. Since not all routers in
the Internet are IP-multicast enabled, this creates a major deployment
problem. To overcome this shortcoming, actual MVoIP solutions implement
multicast services on top of the IP unicast service of end-systems. The
aim is to create an overlay communication topology based on
application-links known as Application Layer Multicast (ALM) systems.
ALM brings the advantage of requiring only application software
installation on host peers without any added network infrastructure.
aim of this thesis is to study different MVoIP architectures, and to
propose a P2P model adapted for Large Scale Communication.
Quality of exchanged media flow on the porposed architecture can be
assessed and compared with previous models using omnet Simulation
environment (with INET) and ffmpeg codecs.
more details, please contact Dr Wajdi Elleuch ( |