Accountability For Multi-tenant Cloud Services Middleware
A deployment diagram depicts a static view of the run-time configuration of the proposed approach as well as required components (e.g., libraries, DB schemas and so on). In this section, we present the deployment architecture of MobMtCS (Monitoring Accountability Obligations in Mt Cloud Services) depicted in this Figure.
In fact, MobMtCS architecture consists of two main parts:
Accountability Authority (AA):It is managed by the Accountability Model Discoverer (AMD) that ensure the discovery, the selection and the execution of the appropriate model by following the Model-Matching Algorithm .
Mt Monitoring Module (Mt2M): Mt2M is responsible for the management of the tenant's request and the enforcement of selected ECA monitoring rule. It is composed of:
Coordinator: It is the administrator of the monitoring module responsible for the management of tenant's requests by assigning the required obligations and Mt configuration to the AMD in order to look for a suitable accountability monitoring model.
Compliance checker: it selects the event logs and ensures the enforcement of accountability monitoring rules concluding whether the selected event logs are compliant with the required obligation or not. E.g., A code decides if the payment service meets the access control policy requirement or not.