MeidyaCoM-Policy is an extension of MeidyaCoM project.
MeidyaCoM project supports the modeling of correct by
design Publish/Subscribe architectural style and the basic
reconfiguration operations for the adaptation of software
architecture. MeidyaCoM-Policy is an approach which
proposes a way of applying these operations with respect
to architectural style by the means of repair policies.
The MeidyaCoM-Policy approach is based principally on
three steps:
In the first step, we propose a UML-based approach for
modeling repair policies. We introduce a new UML profile,
using extended UML 2.0 notations. The profile guides and
assists design activities for describing repair policies
using a visual notation. A software environment
supporting the different features of this approach has
been implemented and integrated as a plug-in in the open
source Eclipse framework.
In the second step, we implement a rule-based generator
which automatically translates the repair policy model
specified using our UML profile into Z specifications. From
MeidyaCoM project, we obtain the architectural style
described with Z specifications. In our work, we improved
this architectural style with QoS properties.
In the third step, we use the theorem proving Z/Eves to
prove the soundness (i.e. every execution of the policy
will place the system in a correct state w.r.t. the
original style) and the consistency (i.e. absence of any
contradiction between architectural invariants) of the
generated repair policies.
MeidyaCoM-Policy is enhanced by an Eclipse plug-in. It is
a graphical modeling tool that ensures an easy and
efficient modeling way for users. This plug-in allows us
to create a graphical editor which implements our UML
The repair policy diagram editor is a tool where diagrams
as well as graphical elements can be created to model
policies. Graphical elements can be picked up from a Tool
palette and created in the Diagram editor pane in a
“drag-and-drop” way.
The graphical editor generates an XML file (Download the PolicyFollowMe.xml). The
plug-in transforms this XML file, according to
transformation rules expressed with the XSLT language
(eXtensible Styles Language Transformation), (Download the
into Z specifications saved in a LATEX (.tex) file. This
LATEX file will then be imported under the Z/Eves theorem
prover to visualize Z schemas, to validate their syntax
and to verify the theorems (Download the ProofSteps.pdf).
In this demonstration, we show the modeling and the
transformation of the policy with the tool according to
MeidyaCom-Policy approach.
Case Studies
We applied MeidyaCom-Policy on two case studies. As an
example, we present:
MeidyaCom-Policy Plug-in
Description : A plug-in based on a UML profile. The repair
policy diagram editor is a tool where diagrams as well as
graphical elements can be created to model policies.
Graphical elements can be picked up from a tool palette
and created in the diagram editor pane in a
“drag-and-drop” way.
Setup : The MeidyaCom-Policy plug-in should be added
under the plugins directory of the Eclipse framework.
National School of Engineers of Sfax
Route de la Soukra km 3.5 B.P., 1173, 3038 Sfax -
Related papers
S. Kallel, M. Hadj Kacem, and M. Jmaiel. Modeling and
invariants of dynamic software architectures. Software
and Systems Modeling, 11:127–149, 2012.
I. Loulou, M. Jmaiel, K. Drira, and A. Hadj Kacem.
P/S-CoM: Building correct by design publish/subscribe
architectural styles with safe reconfiguration.
Journal of Systems and Software,
83(3):412–428, March 2010.
I. Loulou, I. Tounsi, M. Hadj-Kacem, A. Hadj-Kacem,
and M. Jmaiel. A formal architecture-centric approach
for safe self-repair. In In Second International
Conference on Web and Information Technologies
(ICWIT'09), Kerkennah Island, Sfax, Tunisia, June 2009
I. Loulou, I. Tounsi, M. Hadj-Kacem, A. Hadj-Kacem,
and M. Jmaiel. Making sound policies for self-healing
systems. In 9ème Conférence Internationale sur les
Nouvelles Technologies de lREpartition (NOTERE'09),
pages 178-185, Montreal - Canada, July 2009.
Imen Tounsi. Une approche pour la modélisation et la
vérification des politiques d'adaptation pour le style
P/S. Master's thesis, Faculté des Sciences Économiques
et de Gestion de Sfax, 2010.
A paper resuming the main contributions of the
MeidyaCom-Policy is submitted as an emerging research paper.
Imen Tounsi
Route de la Soukra km 3.5
B.P. W 1173 Sfax - Tunisia