Dr. Ismael Bouassida Rodriguez

ENPI/ENI Projects

- MedSnail

Sustainable Networks for Agro-food Innovation Leading in the Mediterranean (September 2019 - August 2022)
- Role whin the Project: Communication Manager for University of Sfax)
- Description: MedSNAIL involves 3 EU countries and 4 MPCs presenting a rich variety of agro-food products deeply rooted in local culture and biodiversity and representative of the Mediterranean diet. These territories also share common issues and challenges in the agro-food sector: gradual loss of local varieties, high fragmentation, rural poverty (mostly affecting women), limited investment capacity of rural entrepreneurs, lack of training on socio-environmental sustainability, business planning, and marketing strategies. Moreover, EU food security regulations represent a barrier for many small producers from extra-EU countries. MedSNAIL intends to tackle these issues by fostering the valorisation and development of small-scale traditional agro-food value chains, combining enhancement of market potentialities and socio-environmental sustainability.


CEllule technologique de LA VIE (December 2020 - Janury 2023)
- Role whin the Project: Coordinator for the NGO ACG
- Description: The main objective of the CELAVIE project is to create a sustainable collaboration network between research organizations operating in Sicily and Tunisia. This network is composed of CORERAS and CNR for Sicily and the University of SFAX for the Tunisia. Other partners will develop collateral actions such as Green Future Technology Partnership companies in Italy, NGO AGC in Tunisia which will deal with the training and awareness component and UTAP and GAL which link with entrepreneurship in the two territories. Experimental partnership, therefore product and process innovations aimed at improving the environmental impact of production processes and obtain socio-economic benefits for local entrepreneurs sector and for the population. This allows you to change the orientation of agricultural production in large areas which today hui are little used for purposes of production, to meet the food needs of populations. An important contribution production capacity will therefore be increased, influencing internal economic policies..

- Openwind

Opengovernment, new models of governance in the Mediterranean (December 2013 - October 2016)
- Role whin the Project: Technical Manager for University of Sfax
- Description: Openwind is an European project that it aims to contribute to promote new models of government on both sides of the Mediterranean in order to guarantee citizens' participation and integration in public decision-making through the use of new technologies.


Sustainable Mediterranean Old Towns (January 2014 - December 2015)
- Role whin the Project: Communication Manager for the NGO ARDES
- Description: SMOT aims at identifying, exchanging, testing and sharing feasible waste management models in old towns/medinas; as well as to develop policy guidelines on the topic and achieve widespread dissemination, integrating the results achieved into regional/local policies throughout the Mediterranean Basin.

Erasmus+ Projects


DevelopinG a MultidiscipliNary DIploma on Art ThErapy in Health Education (January 2020 - December 2023)
- Role whin the Project: Coordinator for University of Sfax
- Description: The project is a multi-country curriculum development proposal, aiming at introducing the concept of art therapy by developing a multidisciplinary diploma and establishing Art Therapy Centres in Tunisia and Jordan. The project falls in the subject area "Humanities- except languages" addressing in addition Multidisciplinary/ interdisciplinary academic subjects of Education, Arts and Health under "Curriculum Development". The project highlights the potential benefits represented by the art therapy towards the needs of certain at-risk categories, such as children or adults' refugees. The project introduces innovative tools and methodologies for modernisation and internationalisation in Jordan and Tunisia, mainly concerning the use of new methods and technologies to improve the availability of digital resources to support teachers and students in the capacity building process and the development of a new Diploma. The project plans to create a network of Arts Therapists and a community of professionals, which can undoubtedly produce veritable multiplier effects outside the participating organisations at local, regional, national and international level.


Information Technology Governance for Tunisian Universities (October 2015 - October 2018)
- Role whin the Project: Coordinator for University of Sfax
- Description: This project is aimed to gather a set of researchers from four european universities with a wide experience in developing and deploying IT Governance framework models from three different countries (Spain, Germany and Norway) to develop, adapt and test a new IT governance framework to be implemented in several Universities in Tunisia. Expected results of this project include a better governance model for IT in Tunisian HEIs as well as an overall modernization of the governance processes for HEIs and a contribution of the cooperation between EU and Tunisia.


- Theralytics

Smart E-health Services for treating patients in Tunisia (October 2016 - October 2019)
- Role whin the Project: Scientific member of the team the CRNS
- Description: The idea of the project is to develop an e-health solution that supports the treatment of chronic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular disease and asthma. It allows us to collect data via a set of sensors, analyze incoming sensor data together with data extracted from additional sources in the WWW and automatically propose a treatement plan. A medical expert validates the treatment plan and executes it.


- SuperSens

Supervision Sensitive des lieux Sensibles (October 2016 - October 2020)
- Role whin the Project: Task Coordinator for the ReDCAD Laboratory
- Description: The idea of the project is to federate different technologies in order to obtain a solution that responds in a more relevant way to the problem of surveillance of closed military zones. In combining the different technologies, we offer:
(i) Intelligent processing: on a proposal to process satellite, drone and terrestrial data. The detection of terrorist camps in military areas is done using satellite images optical and HR radar. As for tracking suspicious movements in real time, it requires the use of optical and thermal cameras on drones or land. Drones are also used to support interventions by real-time 3-D imaging of target scenes;
(ii) Sensors and secure communicating systems: we need an RCSF with a few presence sensors and a few cameras to ensure effective intruder detection;
(iii) Smart Drones: autonomous and cooperative: in order to meet military needs, we proposes to make a tactical drone whose endurance exceeds 1 hour and the range of action is one ten km;
(iv) Multimodal analysis platform: it consists in analyzing and crossing different sources of information captured or recorded to provide decision support. The challenge is to propose a common data format to increase efficiency. Furthermore, it is necessary to propose a recognition and indexing approach objects that are adapted to the Tunisian context (for example, shepherds-terrorists distinction).


National School of Engineering of Sfax

University of Sfax, Tunisia


Prof. Dr. Eng. Mohamed Jmaiel

Email: mohamed.jmaiel@enis.rnu.tn
Web: www.redcad.org/members/jmaiel
Phone: +216 74 666 578


National School of Engineers of Sfax
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics
ReDCAD Laboratory
B.P. 1173, 3038 Sfax, Tunisia