Case study
To illustrate the proposed test system a case study in the healthcare domain is implemented in the OSGi platform and are running on Apache Felix.
Bundles can be downloaded from this link and installed as described in this script.
Sources of the case study are available, you can contact contributors if you need to download them.
TT4RT execution
By using the following interface of TT4RT system, test cases are locally executed. First of all,
the test environment is set up by applying for each component under test the appropriate test isolation technique.
To do this, a test plan file is required for the TT4RT system as input. It is loaded by clicking on the button 'Load Test Plan'. It contains the affected components to test after the occurrence of a reconfiguration action, their testability options , test components to deploy as well as test cases to execute (an example of this file can be downloaded here).
Second, by clicking on the button 'Start test case', the test will be started.
The verdict of test and its duration will be generated and some logging information are also stored.
The screenshot depicts the TTmanGUI interface offered by TT4RT.

To download the whole TT4RT test system, you can contact directly one of the contributors.