List of Publications
International Journals
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati, Walid BenAmeur, Djamal Zeghlache, Virtual
Network Provisioning Across Multiple Substrate Networks, The
International Journal of Computer and Telecommunications Networking,
Elsevier Computer Networks, Special Issue on Architectures and
Protocols for the Future Internet, March, 2011, Vol. 55, No. 4, pp.
Wajdi Louati, Ines Houidi, Manel Kharrat, Djamal Zeghlache, Hormuzd M
Khosravi, Dynamic service deployment in a Distributed Heterogeneous
Cluster based Router (DHCR), Cluster Computing: The Journal of
Networks, Software Tools and Applications, December 2008, Vol. 11, No.
4, p. 355-372.
Wajdi Louati, Badii Jouaber, Djamal Zeghlache. Configurable software
based edge router architecture. The International Journal of Computer
and Telecommunications Industry, Elsevier Computer Communications,
September 2005, Vol. 28, Issue 14, p. 1692-1699.
Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. Network based Virtual Personal
Overlay Networks using Programmable Virtual Routers. IEEE
Communications Magazine, Special Issue ”Self Organization in Networks
Today”, August 2005, Vol. 43, No. 8, p. 86-94.
International Conferences
Panagiotis Papadimitriou, Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati, Djamal
Zeghlache, Christoph Werle, Roland Bless, Laurent Mathy, Building
Virtual Networks across Multiple Domains, accepted for publication in
the SIGCOMM 2011 conference (WIP session), AUGUST 2011, TORONTO,
Ines Houidi, Marouen Mechtri, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache, Cloud
Service Delivery Across Multiple Cloud Platforms , accepted for
publication in the 8th International Conference on Services Computing
(IEEE SCC 2011), Washington, USA.
Makhlouf Hadji, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache, Cloud Computing
Constrained Pricing Using Game Theoretic Approach, accepted for
publication in the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Network
Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA11), Cambridge, MA, USA
Makhlouf Hadji, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache, Jeux Non-Cooperatifs
Dans Les Clouds: Tarification Des Services , 12e congres annuel de la
Societe francaise de Recherche Operationnelle et Aide à la Decision
(ROADEF 2011), Mars 2011, Saint-Etienne, France.
Houssem Medhioub, Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache, Design,
Implementation and Evaluation of Virtual Resource Description and
Clustering Framework, In the 25th IEEE International Conference on
Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA2011), Biopolis,
Singapore, March 2011, pp: 83-89.
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache, Panagiotis
Papadimitriou, Laurent Mathy, Adaptive Virtual Network Provisioning,
In the Procedding of the ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Virtualized
Infrastructure Systems and Architectures (VISA), Septembre 2010, NEW
DELHI, INDIA, pp: 41 - 48
Eric Renault, Wajdi Louati, Ines Houidi, Houssem Medhioub, A
Framework to Describe and Search for Virtual Resource Objects, In the
proceeding of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Science and
Technology, June 2010, Miyazaki, Japan, pp: 208 - 219
Wajdi Louati, Ines Houidi and Djamal Zeghlache, Autonomic Virtual
Routers for the Future Internet. To appear in the 9th IEEE
International Workshop on IP Operations And Management (IPOM 2009),
Venice, Italy, October 2009.
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati, Djamal Zeghlache and Stephan Baucke,
Virtual Resource Description and Clustering for Virtual Network
Discovery. In Proceedings of the ICC Workshop on the Network of the
Future 2009, (ICC 2009), Dresden, June 16-18, 2009.
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. A Distributed Virtual
Network Mapping Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE
International Conference on Communications (ICC 2008), May 19-23,
2008, Beijing, China, p 5634 - 5640.
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. A Distributed and
Autonomic Virtual Network Mapping Framework. In Proceedings of the 4th
International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS
2008), IEEE Computer Society, March 16-21, 2008, Gosier, Guadeloupe,
p 241-247.
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. A Self-Control
Framework for Automated Provisioning of Context-aware Network Services
in ForCES based Routers, 8ème Colloque Francophone de Gestion de
Réseaux et de Services, GRES 07, 6-9 Novembre 2007, Hammamet, Tunisie,
p 24-34.
Wajdi Louati, Ines Houidi, Djamal Zeghlache. Système de Routeurs
Virtuels pour l'Internet du Futur. 21ème Congrès DNAC: De Nouvelles
Architectures pour les Communications, “Les évolutions des réseaux
IP”, PARIS, Novembre 2007
Ines Houidi, Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. An extensible software
router data-path for dynamic low-level service deployment. In
Proceedings of the 7th IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and
Routing 2006 (IEEE HPSR 2006), June 7-9, 2006, Poznan, Poland, p.
J. Hoebeke, G. Holderbeke, I. Moerman, W. Louati, Wsf. Louati, M.
Genet, D. Zeghlache, L. Sanchez, J. Lanza, M. Alutoin, K. Ahola, S.
Lehtonen, J. Pallares. Personal Networks: From concept to a
demonstrator. In Proceedings of the 15th IST Mobile & Wireless
Communications Summit 2006, IST Summit 2006, June 4-8, 2006, Myconos,
Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. Virtual Personal Overlay Networks,
In Proceedings of the 16th Annual IEEE International Symposium on
Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC 2005),
September 11-14, 2005, Berlin, Germany, Vol. 2, p. 932-936.
Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. Virtual Router Concept for
Communications between Personal Networks, In Proceedings of 8th
International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications
(WPMC 2005), September 2005, Aalborg, Denmark, p. 1973-1977.
Wajdi Louati, et al. Networking in Personal Networks. In Proceedings
of the 5th Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks
(IEEE ASWN 2005), June 2005, Paris, France, p. 103-112.
Martin Jacobsson, Jeroen Hoebeke, Sonia Heemstra de Groot, Anthony Lo,
Ingrid Moerman, Ignas Niemegeers, Luis Muñoz, Mikko Alutoin, Wajdi
Louati, Djamal Zeghlache. A network architecture for personal
networks. In Proceedings of the 14th IST Mobile & Wireless
Communications Summit 2005, IST Summit 2005, Jun 19-23, 2005, Dresden,
M. Alutoin, S. Lehtonen, J. Hoebeke, G. Holderbeke, I. Moerman, L.
Sanchez, J. Lanza, W. Louati, D. Zeghlache. Towards self-organising
personal networks. In Proceedings of the 1st ACM workshop on Dynamic
interconnection of networks, part of the International Conference on
Mobile Computing and Networking, September 2, 2005, Cologne, Germany,
p. 12-16.
L. Muñoz, L. Sanchez, J. Lanza, M. Alutoin, S. Lehtonen, D. Zeghlache,
M. Girot Genet, W. Louati, J. Hoebeke, I. Moerman, G. Holderbeke, M.
Ghader, M. Jacobsson. A Proposal for Self-Organizing Personal
Networks. In Proceedings of the 15th Wireless World Research Forum
(WWRF) Meeting, December 8-9, 2005, Paris, France, p. 1-13.
Wajdi Louati, et al. RESACO: an open and programmable multi-domain
platform for cooperative and auto-configurable networks. In
Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on Wireless Networks
(ICWN’04), June 21-24, 2004, Vol. 1, Las Vegas, USA, p. 241-245.
Wajdi Louati, Badii Jouaber, Djamal Zeghlache. Configurable software
based edge router architecture. In Proceedings of the 4th IEEE
Workshop on Applications and Services in Wireless Networks (IEEE ASWN
2004), August 9-11, 2004, Boston, Massachusetts (USA), p. 169-173.
International Patent
Wajdi Louati and Djamal Zeghlache. AUTONOMIC NETWORK NODE SYSTEM, PCT
Patent, Pub. No.:WO/2008/093174, International Application
No.PCT/IB2007/050359, International Filing Date: 02.02.2007,
Publication Date:07.08.2008
Ph. D. Thesis
Wajdi LOUATI, On demand Virtual Network Service for Dynamic
Networks. PH.D. Thesis, March 2007, UPMC & GET-INT, FRANCE, (under
the supervision of Prof. Djamal ZEGHLACHE)
Technical Reports
Virtualisation Approach: Evaluation and Integration, 4WARD Project,
FP7-ICT-2007-1-216041/D-3.2.1, June 2010
Virtualisation Approach: Concept, 4WARD Project,
FP7-ICT-2007-1-216041/D-3.1.1, September 2009
I. Houidi, W. Louati, D. Zeghlache, A Distributed and Autonomic
Virtual Network Mapping Framework, November 2007, GET-INT Technical
Report 07009-RS2M.
Overall secure PN architecture, IST MAGNET Project, Public
deliverable, IST-507102 MAGNET/WP2.1/WMC/ D2.1.2/D4.1.3 /PU/001/1.0,
Oct 2005.
Architecture and Protocols for Ad-hoc Self configuration,
Interworking, Routing and Mobility”, IST MAGNET Project, Public
deliverable, IST-507102 MAGNET/WP2.4/IMEC/D2.4.1/R /PU/001/1.0, Dec
Active Networking: Definition and Validation of Concepts and PN
solutions, IST MAGNET Project, Public deliverable, IST-507102 MAGNET
/WP2.4/ D2.4.2/1.0, June 2005.
Prototype Concepts of a PAN/PN Terminal and Infrastructure-network
Support, IST MAGNET Project, Public deliverable, IST-507102
MAGNET/WP2.5/UC/D2.5.1/R /PU/001/1.0, Dec 2004.
Early Prototype Demonstration based on Active Engine and PAN/PN based
to PDAs/Laptops, IST MAGNET Project, Public deliverable, IST-507102
MAGNET/WP2.5/ UC/D2.5.3/P/PU/ 001/1.0, Oct 2005.
Refined Architectures and Protocols for PN Ad-hoc Self-configuration,
Interworking, Routing and MobilityManagement, ISTMAGNET Project,
Internal deliverable, IST-507102 MAGNET/WP2.4/DUT/ D2.4.3/ PU/001/
Definition of full PAN/PN Network Terminal, IST MAGNET Project,
Internal deliverable, IST-507102, MAGNET/WP2.5/UC /D2.5.2/RE/001/
W. Louati, et. al, Edge Router White Paper, MAGNET Project IST-507102,
Internal document, March 2005